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International Trade

Exporting to over 100 countries gives us the skills to assist our customers in every corner of the world.

ICC Solutions is committed to delivering excellence to our international client base by implementing efficient and comprehensive export practises combined with innovative solutions. We also have a firm objective to help enhance British exporting and to inspire others to investigate the growth opportunities offered by international trade. 


We are proud to have received prestigious awards and recognition which reflect our exporting excellence. We work closely with key export companies to ensure that we follow best practices whilst letting others benefit from our exporting experience and skills.


Since 2013 our company has been recognised as a UKTI Export Champion, a business leader tasked with raising the profile of exporting, helping others to develop opportunities and fulfil their global potential.

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Awards for Export

We are thrilled to have been recognised for our innovation and exporting achievements by winning several Awards, including four Queen's Awards for Enterprise in the Innovation and International Trade Categories.

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The DofE Awards

ICC Solutions in partnership with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has launched an exciting new Exporting Excellence Programme in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the DofE Awards.

This project is the first of its kind in the country for schools in the North of England with the aim of fitting into the Skills Section of the Award Scheme.


NW Export Champion

ICC Solutions is proud to be a North West Export Champion in association with the Department for International Trade.

The Department for International Trade are responsible for promoting British trade across the world and ensuring the UK takes advantage of the huge opportunities open to it.

Read about our recent contribution to UK exporting here.

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Commonwealth First

We are proud to be a Commonwealth First Export Champion. Export Champions are selected based on their level of impact, innovation, ambition and ability to succeed across Commonwealth markets.

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The Cheshire Commonwealth Association (CCA) has been established to encourage awareness of the Commonwealth throughout Cheshire and we are delighted that our CEO. Dave Maisey, is the Chairman.

You can read our Case Study here.

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Exporting is Great

ICC Solutions is proactively engaged with the Department for International Trade to promote the export of goods .

Welcoming the ‘Exporting is Great’ tour in Warrington launched the DofE Exporting Excellence Initiative.

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